4320 Assignments
- Assignment Three (Lab 2-1 Tableau)
- Assignment Four (Lab 3-1 Excel)
- Instructions
- Excel Data
- Video
- Excel date breakdown
- Pivot table count
- Video
- Assignment 5 (Chapter 3 Tableau)
- Instructions
- Data
- Video
- Tableau date breakdown
- Calculated field creation
- Filled geopgraphuc map
- Video
- Assignment Six (lab 4-4)https://etsu.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=41f2fa1b-0f78-4629-bb9a-b29a00d0c12c
- Instructions
- Excel File
- Excel Linking demo
- Pivot table subtotal demo
- Assignment Seven
- Instructions
- Excel File
- Tableua linking demo
- Tableau Filtering
- Assignment Eight
- Instructions
- Excel Data file
- Percentage breakdonw demo
- Short Slicer demo
- Assignment Nine
- Instructions
- Excel Data file
- Note: Converting measure to dimension if necessary - see video demo from assignment three
- Assignment Ten
- Instructions
- Excel Data file
- Assignment Eleven
- Instructions
- Excel Data file
Ignore Items Below this line (currently under revision)
- Assignment Ten (Lab 7-1 Excel Separation of Duties)
- Instructions
- Excel File
- Assignment Eleven Lab 7-1 Tableau Separation of Duties)
- Instructions
- Excel File
- Assignment Twelve (Lab 7-7 Duplicate Payments)
- Instructions
- Excel File
- Assignment Thirteen (Lab 8-6 Excel Forecast)
- Instructions
- Excel Data file
- Video
- Assignment Fourteen (Lab 8-7 Tableau Forecast)
- Assignment Fifteen (Excel: What-if goal seek)
- Instructions
- Data file
- Assignment Sixteen (What-if analysis using data tables)
- Instructions
- Data File
- Zoom Demo of goal seek and data tables
- Assignment Seventeen (Tableau Dashboerd)
- Instructions
- Excel File
- Assignmnet ten
- Instructions
- Excel data file
- Ading buclet short demo
- Asignment eleven
- Instructions
- Excel file
- Aging bucket short demo
- A
- Assignmnet Fifteen (Estimation cost behvior using Regression)
- Instructions
- Exel File
Ignore Items Below this line (currently under revision)
- Pivot Table Demo
- Assignment Seven
- Instructions
- Excel File
- Assignment Ten ( Lab 6-1 Excel Aging)
- Instructions
- Excel File
- Assignment Eleven ( Lab 6-1 Tableau Aging)
- Instructions
- Excel File
- Assignment eighteen
- Instructions
- Excel File
- Excel Zoom Comment
Additional Excel/Tableau Comments
- Joins
- Tableau filtering example
- Excel pivot table count/distinct count
- Pivot table date breakdown
- Pivot table subtotals
- Excel Tables Linking Tables in Excel
- Excel Filter example
- Excel Filter (additional ways to filter)
- Data Analysis ToolPak Video
Ignore Items Below this line (currently under revision)
- Assignment Fifteen (Lab 8-3 Regression)
- Instructions
- Excel data file
- Scatter Plot demo
- Reference link Excel IF between two numbers or dates (ablebits.com)
- Short Pivot Chart Demo
- Video
- Short Slicer Demo
- Instructions
- Data File
- Tableau Video (Filtering, Geographic role)